Meredith Andrews Has a New Video

Meredith Andrews
Her hope is that the young women she ministers to during conferences that she regularly leads worship at will accept the challenge to be the person that God called them to be rather than just a carbon copy of what the world says is "in" right now. She shared, "I feel like this is what I want to say to them: 'You are loved and special and God has a purpose for your life. You can hand over your broken pieces to Him. God can take anything broken and make it beautiful.'"
The song almost didn't make it on to her album, Worth It All, because it's not a worship track (as the others are). She really felt like it had a place on the project despite the seeming "out of place" tone. Andrews said, "We literally had one more day in the studio and I looked at my manager and said 'I know that it's not a worship song, but I feel like it has to go on my record. I want to sing it and I want people to hear it.'"
As a bonus track, it may not be a part of the first section of the story (a journey into God's heart), but it does fit the overall chapter because one you step into God's presence, you can see yourself more clearly as He sees you instead of just seeing what the world calls "flaws."